Week 1: Binge Eating

Binge Eating 101

Do you find yourself having recurring episodes of eating large quantities of food- often very rapidly, and to the point of discomfort? Usually when you’re not physically hungry?

How about feeling a loss of self control during these episodes- like you have left your body, or are not present?

Do you often eat like this alone, because you don’t want anyone to know what or how much you’re eating?

Afterwards, are you plagued with shame, distress, guilt, or negative self-talk?

Maybe you steal food, or hoard it in strange places?

If this resonates with you, then maybe you feel like you suffer from binge eating.

Binge eating is incredibly common, and it truly sucks. Believe me, I know. 

Good news is, it’s possible to manage binge eating and work to overcome it. During this 4 part blog series, I will address different ways that can help you overcome your binge eating and take back control of your life again.

Tip #1: Food

Often when we binge, it is because we are not properly nourished. It can sound counterintuitive that adding more food to our daily nutrition can help us stop binging- but it can. Here’s how.

Ditch the Diet

Diets don’t work. It’s a fact. I know this from talking to my clients, but mostly from my own lifetime of experience with yo-yo dieting. I’ve tried them all, and every single one of them failed.

Diets are restrictive, and if we feel deprived, then eventually we are going to cave. This usually happens in an epic fashion. Like being super restrictive for about 3 weeks, then eating 3 pizzas and 2 tubs of ice cream in one sitting. When we fall off from the diet, then we think “Screw it”, and just dive fully off the deep end (usually into more pizza and ice cream).

So, rather than cutting out entire food groups, or severely restricting calories, instead focus on making supportive changes.

Focus on ADDING health to your nutrition. 

  • ADD whole, unprocessed foods to every meal or snack. 
  • ADD vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats and whole grains. 
  • MODERATE treats, but don’t fully exclude them. Choose supportive versions of the treats you love- ones with high quality ingredients and no weird chemicals. 
  • Make your treats worth it. Don’t waste your treats on things that don’t taste delicious. 
  • Practice portion control with your treats. Rather than taking the whole bag or box to the couch, portion some of your treat out into a bowl. This will help you from eating more than you feel good about. 
  • SAVOR every bite- stay present and enjoy each bite of your treat. 
  • PREPARE for the fact that you might want a snack. Have supportive snacks and foods available to you at home and while you’re out and about.

Avoid Skipping Meals

Eating nutrient dense foods regularly throughout the day is very supportive for many reasons. 

It helps to keep your blood sugar stable, which keeps your energy levels consistent. 

It also keeps your hormone levels in check- hunger hormones and stress hormones will be more stable. 

This means that you are less likely to get hangry, and if your stress levels are managed then you will be less likely to reach for unsupportive foods.

  • Focus on eating nutrient dense meals or snacks every 3-4 hours throughout the day. This means that you won’t be going into the evening feeling super hungry.
  • I don’t know about you, but for me the evening is a danger zone for binge eating. If we satiate ourselves properly and regularly throughout the day, then we are less stressed and less likely to overeat later in the day.
  • Sometimes a binge can start when you’re famished, or sometimes it can happen when you’re already full, but nourishing yourself effectively will only help the situation.

Eat Breakfast Every Day

Think of your body and metabolism as a furnace. It has been off and cold while you sleep at night. In the morning we need to put some kindling and fuel into the furnace to light it up.

Throughout the day we need to add a little bit of fuel regularly. This way it doesn’t go out. We also can’t add too much fuel in one go, or it smoothers the flames and the furnace also goes out.

Breakfast is the kindling and fuel we need to start our metabolism in the morning.

  • Focus on adding protein and fiber to your breakfast.
  • Avoid having sugar or refined flour (bagels, cereal, muffins etc). This kind of fuel doesn’t start your furnace fire as effectively, and can cause dips in energy mid morning.
  • Breakfast ideas: eggs and spinach, avocado and greens topped with nuts/seeds, fruit and oatmeal, overnight chia pudding with fruit and almond butter, chicken sausage with eggs and leftover vegetables, smoothies with almond butter, fruit, veg and non-dairy milk.

For more information, check out Relish Life’s Binge Eating 101 webinar from our free Facebook Group.

I have dedicated the next month to focusing on binge eating- so join our Facebook group for all the good information.

If you are struggling with binge eating, know that you are not alone. Seek help. Ways you can do this:

  • Talk to a licensed therapist.

  • Talk to a trusted friend or family member.

  • Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- this has been proven to be the most effective therapy to tackle binge eating. It explores connections between your thoughts and feelings and eating patterns. Then it develops strategies to help modify your behavior.

  • Find support groups in person or online. Try these-

Here at Relish Life we have Health Coaches that specialize in helping you navigate addictions like binge eating. We also have group therapy sessions to explore the root of WHY we binge, and FDA approved medications that help to balance hormones and cut our cravings down. Additionally we have online courses that help you explore the root cause of unwanted behaviors, and how to navigate changing them.

Included in your membership are free cohort groups that take you through our signature course for changing unwanted habits- ‘The 6 Steps To Freedom’. Perfect for helping you conquer binge eating.

Click the buttons below to join our free Facebook group and to learn more about Relish Life.

To read Week 2: Binge Eating CLICK HERE

Melissa is a British-born Health Coach who knows firsthand how difficult it can be to manage the emotions that surround weight. After decades of weight control and yo-yo dieting, Melissa studied to become a Health Coach and effectively coached herself through the process. Through learning how to eat intuitively, Melissa gained a new perspective and shifted her focus from ‘dieting’ to nourishment. She also learned how to recognize and address trauma and stress in her life. The stubborn weight she had held onto for years just melted away. 

Melissa LOVES to help others figure out and conquer their own personal health and wellness goals. Following a life-long enthusiasm for alternative medicine, Melissa trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where she received in-depth training in nutrition, health and wellness, and coaching skills.