The Six Steps To Freedom - a Course for Dependency and Unwanted Habits

Learn more about the acclaimed Six Steps To Freedom Course by Dr. Brian Alman



Dr. Brian Alman

Brian is a sought-after expert on stress management and mindfulness. He’s also a weight loss pioneer, which is why he’s such an important part of our Treatment Team. You’ll have seen Brian on NBC, CNN and Fox.

Shannon Shearn | Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist

Shannon is a personal trainer and weight management specialist. Her unique, mindfulness based approach to weight loss has helped hundreds of people learn to take back control of their health and happiness.

 Shannon is a former world renowned circus acrobat, mom of two rambunctious boys, and married to a saint. She is thrilled to be a part of the Relish Revolution!

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The Six Steps To Freedom – A Course for Dependency and Unwanted Habits