The Keep It Off Meditation Series

Join Relish Co-founder, Dr. Brian Alman, for his acclaimed 12 step meditation series, “Keep it Off.” The techniques you will learn in here you will carry with you through life as you navigate your own emotional challenges and stressors and release your inner and outer weight. Try one technique every day for a week or as long as you’d like and then move on to the next. If you’d like to roll this into a weekly program including weekly nutrition and fitness objectives, check out our signature course, “Lighten Up in 90 Days” where we utilize these practices in our weekly practices geared toward helping you lose weight and keep it off!


Dr. Brian Alman

Brian is a sought-after expert on stress management and mindfulness. He’s also a weight loss pioneer, which is why he’s such an important part of our Treatment Team. You’ll have seen Brian on NBC, CNN and Fox.

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Mindfulness Course: